Saturday, 13 July 2019

Summer Dress Serie - The Eyelet One

Or the classical one. I mean black eyelet is just such a classic that you always need a dress from it. I had in the past quite a nice one from Esprit, but I was always obliged to wear a cami under it and without sleeves, it was not so office-friendly. Also, the fabric did not resist the multiple washes and I had to say goodbye to it. So a replacement was needed, but took time.

I bought this black eyelet fabric two years ago in Thailand with the idea of a new black dress and then it sat in my stash. Fortunately, this year's Burda came to the rescue and offered this cute pattern: 102-05/2019.

This is exactly what I am looking for in a summer dress: short sleeves, A-line skirt, adjusted waist, loving it. I did my usual adjustments by shortening the bodice and narrowing the shoulders and narrowed the skirt just a little bit.
I was hesitating whether I had to interline the dress but then, I figured out that if I just line the dress with some black silk and all is good. No seams are visible on the outside so it works OK.

I omitted the pockets, because I am not sure how this additional line on the skirt really works on me. I have already sewed similar pockets on other dresses and I was always sceptic on them, so this time, I did not want to take any risks.

So yes, it might be yet another black dress, but it is just the right size and just the right pattern.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this is lovely! And off I go to look up the pattern...
