Sunday, 3 July 2016

Flowery Dress

I must say I am being quite proud of myself and my stash-busting efforts. Since May 2015 I oblige myself to keep track of all ins and outs of my stash and even though since this date I am still in the red numbers (more bought than sewn), I believe it helps me to buy less and look for fabric in my stash.
Yes, there are still big purchases at the beginning of the tracking and then, during my Asian vacation. But since, I have remain on track. Also, half of my purchases in April 2016 were linings which enable me to sew more from my stash.
The positive news is that I also used some fabrics which I thought a complete misses when bought and finally, I really love the garments:
Example in case: this mid-season dress which got a lot wear since it has been sewn.

I also realized that I am more motivated to sew when I slide and buy too much fabric in order to at least minimize the final impact.

All this does not mean that I will stop buy fabric completely, but I like seeing that I am making some progress. And I still have a secret dream of reducing my stash by one third (I currently have 3 containers, and would like to only have two).

As for the sewing, I can see I am currently in my busiest period - kicked off by Me-Made-May, I must admit that sewing summer dresses is the most fun for me, so I usually sew the most between May and July. August is vacation and September too crazy work-wise.

So this brings me to my newest dress. The pattern is a combination of Anna By Hand London top and Kay Unger skirt as sewn here (could have been ANY pencil skirt, though).

I guess it looks better in real life than on the dummy :

The fabric is a silk-cotton of fabulous touch bought last year in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am not 100% sure about the pink and orange on myself, I was afraid it was too busy, but kind of like it on the final dress.

The dress is fully lined with black silk (see, I needed to do some purchases in April), invisible zip is a must :o)

There is only a small hic on the front fit of the skirt, but honestly, with the busy and quite fine fabric, I might be the only person to see that.

Time to Complete: not remember, probably a week
Total Cost: 32 EUR

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