Friday, 6 June 2014

Faux Me-Made-May 2014

I did not pledge directly to participate in MMM 2014, mostly because I do not have enough me-made clothes yet. As of beginning of May, I have only completed 8 projects, one of them unwearable (from my point of view, but more details on that later).
My aim was only to wear and document at least each of my new clothes once during the month of May. I am saying immediately that I did not manage it with all of them, partially because of the weather and my unusual program during May (too many vacation days, not enough work days), excuses, excuses…


Some observations though:
I sew mainly dresses and skirts. Which is OK for the moment, I almost never wear pants and I tend to wear dresses rather than skirt/top combination. Somehow, I found them more comfortable and easier to match with a jacket (or nothing). It is also incredibly difficult to find nice dresses in my size and to my taste.

I have not made any top yet. I do not have any nice pattern and am quite intimidated by shirts. I should also try a simple jacket as it is a part of my everyday work outfit for the majority of the year. Both are on my agenda already.
I find it quite difficult to find the right pattern because I do not like wearing large/balloon blouses. I do not have a pronounced waist, so adding bulk in this area is never a good idea – it is like directly shouting “I am an apple!”.

I desperately need a spring/summer black skirt, as I own several colored tops (and the tops on my agenda are colored as well), and do not have any unicolor skirt to wear with. I have a few winter RTW skirts which go well with the sweaters, but it is not the case for summer. Even though I like my black skirt with crosses (and I wear it), it is not universal enough. I have just bought the right black fabric, so the skirt is on my to-do list and coming very soon.

I have sewn a pair of shorts during May which I am really happy about, I will be making another one certainly before the big vacation.

I still have one summer dress to do (the fabric is calling me since a few weeks) and then should concentrate to the tops/jackets category.

I need to consume my fabric stock. I am quite limited in space and have done a few purchases with direct projects in my head, I just need to sew them now.

A nice-to-haves would also include:
Funny: dresses...

All in all, I am looking forward to a lot of work to do for the next year and will be happy to present my new wardrobe next May.

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